Me and my adventure in JURASSIC PARK

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Searching the RAPTOR'S NEST..

Now it was late afternoon. Everything had work properly and soldiers were coming from Costa Rica in helicopters. The raptors in the ship are found and had been killed. Grant, Gennaro, Muldoon, Harding, the childern and me were waiting in the Control Room.  Muldoon suddenly said to grant if the soldiers come, they'll bomb the island and bomb everything in the ground..He ask Grant if he wants to go into the park and find the raptors' nests before it gets dark... Grant said that he wants too..I looked at the glass map on the wall, and I think that the raptors must be in the south of the island. Grant asked the kids to stay with Dr. Harding while we go to find the nests. Then Grant found  the raptor and asked him to go home...then I drove after the raptor, but suddenly it climbed up onto a rock and disappeared. I stopped the Jeep and we all got out. There was a hole among the rocks and squeaking sounds came from the hole. I tooka troch and some night-vision goggles. I gave Grant the torch and goggles and follwed him.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Then suddenly Muldoon heard something from the wakie-talkie...It was Tim, he said that Lex and him was in the Control Room. He asked Muldoon to tell him how to get the computer system working again, unfortunately no one knows anything about it.Tim said that he will try to make the computer system working again. Then Tim switched off the wakie-talkie.. After a while....we managed to go to the control room.....We met Tim, Lex, Grant and Gennaro there. They said that the raptors in the roof are dead.  I ask tim to fin where the raptors are... The animals Found was much lesser. This park looks really like the times in the Jurassic world.. The meat-eaters are eating the plant eaters. We all watched silently.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Then suddenly, there's ALAN talking through the wakie talkie. I'm so glad he's safe and also are the children. I told Alan that the raptors are free from their enclosure and they've killed people around the building. I also told him that I am with Wu and Harding in the control room..  I told him too that Muldoon, Gennaro and Arnold went to the generator building. They were trying to run the main power again but Arnold have never come back. Gennaro wants to help Arnold but he hasn't come back either. Then Grant suddenly said that Muldoon was there. Muldoon said that the raptors were on the roof and they aren't safe there. Then Grant decided to go to the Generator Building. He also asked Muldoon to take the kids to Dr. Wu in the Control Room. He said he found Gennaro and now I'm with Harding, Muldoon and Wu in the main door of the Visitors' Centre. Muldoon said that we will attract the raptors attention so Alan could go to the Generator Building and back safely. So me, Harding, Wu and Muldoon made a lot of noise and go towards the Lodge, Because they are very clever I decided to ran outside again and wave my arms and shout.*though I knew it's dangerous* Then, Wu ran out of the door and the raptor turned towards him. Harding ran out and pulled me inside. I'm safe now, but we can't save Wu. I felt sorry for him. We could do nothing as the raptors' sharp claws cut his body...I FELT TERRIBLE....


Hammond was sitting next to Malcolm's bed, he had been very injured by the rex. Harding and me had given himi morphine, but he was still in great pain.Malcolm tell Hammond that it is all a disaster. He was so angry and said to Hammond what disaster had he caused. Hammond said he only want to make an animal park, but Malcolm said that he wants to make money, and disasters happen if people want to get rich by using science.... He was angry until he said that it is possible that none of us will leave this island alive. Malcolm and Hammond was angry ato one and another all the time because they had different opinions, it made me confused....:s

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Suddenly a message on the screen said that the EMERGENC POWER IS LOW.... We were all panicking and don't know what to do....Gennaro was also asking why were we using emergency power instead of main popwer supply. Wu also said we must print out the information and instructions about the power suppy quickly.... Then Arnold pressed some computer keys. Then Wu collected the printout from the printer. Then the message on the screen change and now it said that EMERGENCY POWER FAILURE.Everything went dark and all the lights went out. Wu tried to read the computer printout. Now, everything was getting bad and bad.... Wu said that we must start up the main power supply by switching on the main generator. Arnold decided to go to the generator buildingBut Wu then said that there is another problem. Gennaro asked what does he means. Wu explainedthat the emergency power does not run the electric fences and it's now 10 am and since 5.13am the electric fences haven't been working and the generator building is next to the raptors enclosure. Arnold still thinks that he must go to the generator building to switch the main power back on, because the park system cant work again if the main electricity supply isn't switched on. Muldoon said that he will come with Arnolld. Gennaro will also come.

Monday, February 14, 2011


At 8am on Saturday, Muldoon,Arnold, Wu and Hammond were in the Control Room. Everything was on and most of the animals had been found but the tryannosaurs were still free. The bluelines on the map showed that they were in the sauropods' enclosure.Muldoon was worried, no one had every tranquillized it, no one had ever been near it!!! Hammond still care much more about the dinosaurs, until he don't want any of his dinosaurs to get hurt...I knew Muldoon was getting angry with Hammond he decided to go out and look for the adult rex. He met Gennaro when he want to get the Jeep, Gennaro wants to find the big rex. He didn't want to go with Muldoon, but he had no choice. Some minutes later, they were driving towards the sauropods' enclosure. They can speak to Arnold in the Control Room, he could look at the map and tell them where the big rex was. Then Arnold can't found where the big rex was, now. It isn't showing in any of the sensors so it must be down the river. He still can't find Grant and the kids either but he have found Nedry and can see his Jeep in sector 1104. Muldoon said he'll go and find him. 5 minutes later, Arnold found where the big rex were. It was very near from where Muldoon and Gennaro were now. At last Muldoon and Gennaro were back in the Control Room with Arnold and Wu. The computer was searching for the big rex. We were all worried about Grant and the kids, did the rex caught them?...Then suddenly there were the rex appeared on one of the video screens, It shows that the big rex was standiung in the pool at the bottom of the waterfall. It's head was in the waterfall and it looked very strange. Then, very slowly the tryannosaur fell and it lay on its side of the pool.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A little good news.....

Arnold was working for many hours... He was so tired and try to find what Nedry did to the computer system...He couln't fin the command to change the computer porgram again, and Wu did not know how to help him. But suddenly at 5am on Saturday morning, when Muldoon and Gennaro came into the Control Room again, Arnold suddenly shouted and said that he found it. He pointed to the lines of numbers and letters on his computer screen.He said Nedry wrote commands that would shut off he sustems, but when Nedry had got what he wanted the program was going to remove all his secret commands. Then Arnold pressed some keys. Outside, everything came on, even the electric fences are. The sensors are also working,but the phone still wouldn't work when we want to call for a hospital for Malcolm.Wu asked Arnold tu shut down all the system first and restarted it. A minute later, he was talking to someone at a hospital in Costa Rica.Arnold said the helicopter will come as soon as pssible, but the storm is very bad and they can't fly yet.



As I finish looking at what had happened to the stegosaur, I went back with Harding and Gennaro. I just realized when we get back, everything was a mess. Alan, Tim, Lex, Regis and Malcolm was gone.... So I decided to go find them with Harding and Gennaro. We found Regis and Malcolm near the trynnosaur's enclousre. Regis was dead and Malcolm was badly injured because the animals attacked them. So me and Harding taken Malcolm back to the Safari Lodge. We still haven't find where Alan, Lex and Tim were and now Hammond was so angry and asked Arnold to find his granchildrens... Gennaro also said that maybe the rex was in the sauropods' enclosure. He also knew that Alan and the kids were there when the rex attacked.  What I couldn't believe was,  Hammond was much more worried about his dinosaurs than his grandchildren. Everything now was a disaster and I just realized this was all Nedry's fault...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Then both of the vehicles start to moving.......There was a sound "WELCOME TO JURASSIC PARK". The first dinosaurs we saw was a hypsilophodontids and they came up out of the grass. Then we moved on... The loudspeaker asked us to see the Jungle River which is down the hill  because sometimes there was  dilophosaurs(they spit poison though). After that we moved on and we saw a triceratops in an enclosure. They had 3 horns and their colour was the same with elephants. Then the next  dinosaur we saw was TYRANNOSAURUS REX....they comed to eat the goat....The sky was getting cloudy andthe wind was blowing, Regis thought it's going to rain. After that we were going to see some sauropods(apatosaurs and hadrosaurs), then we saw long-necked apatosaurs moving gracefully along the trees with some smaller hadrosaurs.. then suddenly there's a darj yellow, with brown stripes on its back which is a young VELOCIRAPTOR....After that, next to a Jeep we saw a stegosaur which was was very big, I found out that it was sick because of the berriesfromo the gizzard stones...what was much more unbelievable was that Alan found pieces of egg-shell!!!...It proves that the dinosaurs are breeding, and Alan found out it was a piece of velociraptors egg...OH MY GOSH.....

Information about the Land-Cruisers.....

Then Ed Regis took us all to a road which came from a garage under the Control Centre, then there was two large vehicles(land cruiser) from the garage that comes having NO drivers! So we immediately go to the land cruiser and a voice said that in a vehicle was only aloud 4 people. That's why Gennaro, Alan, Malcolm and me got into the first land cruiser and Regis, Lex and Tim got into the secound land cruiser. I found out that there was computers in both vehicles that is why the vehicle can move by itself. Everything was provided in the computer including the radio linked to the computer which is when we can talk to the Control Room, also profides all information about everything in the park. There was also walkie-talkies to talk with another land-cruiser and strange looking goggles which I found out it was night-vision goggles..


We just saw how the genetic engineering when on. Now we got back to the control room. There is this guy John Arnold who controlled the computer in the control room about the dinosaurs and animals. We just realized that almost every part(92%) of Isla Nublar has sensors everywhere. Those sensors are to make sure that the dinosaurs at Isla Nublar doesn't goes anywhere. It will be showed in the screen of the computer. It also counts all the dinosaurs in each species for evert 15 minutes. If an animal dies, the computer tells us in a few minutes. John said that it was very accurate, though I can see that Prof. Ian doesn't think that this place is save because of that CHAOS THEORY...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011